
Optional Slash Commands

/sense panel add <channel>

This command allows you to add a subscription embed to any channel in your Discord. This is especially useful after an announcement where you're directing your users to sign up -- instead of having them have to go to 🔔 ┃ get-alerts, you can embed the subscribe box right underneath the message!

This feature only works for those with a special role: Sensei. Simply create a roll with the name Sensei (case-sensitive) and add any user who you wish to create panels to that role. That will give them permissions to run the command.

Example usage: /sense panel add #announcements

/sense autorole

This feature will automatically create a role called 'Sense Subscriber' that will sync your subscribers to. This is perfect for gaining the ability to create special channels for your Sense subscribers, linking with whitelist applications, integrating with Zealy (ex. Crew3) quests, and more!

You can change the name of the role after you created it. Just make sure to keep the role below the Sense role so that it can sync the role.

/sense disable-autorole

Turn off autorole for your server.

/sense remove <discord_id | username>

This will remove a user from your list. If you cannot find the user by username (ex. if they left your discord server) you may check the logs for their discord ID and use that to remove them from your list.

/sense list

This will download an entire list of all of your subscribers, organized by Discord ID and subscriber mode (SMS or Telegram). Note that we do not provide SMS numbers or Telegram usernames to protect the anonymity of our users.

/sense help Issue this command to receive the link to our website for setup instructions

/sense billing

Use this command to show your credit usage of your plan during your current billing period. You must have at least 'View Channel' access to the billing channel in order to run this.

/sense broadcast <relay|default>

Default mode is the one that comes when you install the server -- the 'embed'. If you'd like to automate your messages that are broadcasted, you can change the mode to 'relay' which makes it so that any message sent in #send-alerts will be broadcasted automatically.

This is for expert users only as there is no control for what can be sent (length, or otherwise, and may end up using a lot of credits without your knowledge). Great for self-notifications.

In addition, under relay mode, you can tag the bot in any channel that Sense has Read Permissions in, and it'll automatically broadcast the message that you tagged.

Last updated